Land: Tanzania   PHOTO TYPE: Wildlife   LENGHT: 8 days   DATES: Feb 8-15/2 2025   SIZE: 8-12 guests



In all my years as a wildlife photographer, I have never before experienced the extreme wildlife and the unimaginable photo opportunities that Ndutu offers. The motifs are everywhere and I look forward to taking guests to my new favorite destination in 2025 as well.

Tom Svensson

Join renowned conservation photographer and Canon and Manfrotto ambassador Tom Svensson in Tanzania and one of the most animal-rich places in all of Africa. We visit Ndutu n February when the great migration has reached this place with over a million wildebeest and hundreds of thousands of zebras looking to birth their calves. Every day, it is estimated that approx. 8,000 wildebeest are born in Ndutu. This attracts a lot of lions, leopards and other predators who are in search of easy prey which in turn brings spectacular photo opportunities.

During the trip you will be able to photograph everything from large numbers of zebras and wildebeest to the big cats and elephants, wild dogs, giraffes and many other of Africa’s wild animals. Part of the trip we spend in the southern part of the park at Lake Ndutu, which has attracted both photographers and filmmakers over the years with its sweeping savannas and open landscapes. Here we can go offroad which gives us the opportunity to come close to our subjects and to photograph the area’s rich wildlife with lions, leopards, cheetahs and elephants, among others.

During the daily game drives  in the park, Tom Svensson will alternate between the jeeps in order to give hands-on tips and advice to each one. When we are not out on game drives, we will work with image processing, have image discussions together and look at each other’s images which Tom comments on. During the week, there will also be several talks by Tom Svensson.


  • We visit Ndutu during the period when the wildebeest give birth to their calves.
  • Nearly two million wildebeest and about 800,000 zebras live in Ndutu,as well as lions, cheetahs, elephants and giraffes.
  • Great opportunity to photograph the big cats.
  • Possibility of offroad driving in Ndutu which will allow us to come closer to our subjects.
  • Participation from Tom Svensson during the trip.
  • Image editing and constructive image criticism with Tom Svensson

Land: Tanzania   PHOTO TYPE: Wildlife   LENGHT: 8 days   DATES: Feb 8-15/2 2025   SIZE: 8-12 guests

In all my years as a wildlife photographer, I have never before experienced the extreme wildlife and the unimaginable photo opportunities that Ndutu offers. The motifs are everywhere and I look forward to taking guests to my new favorite destination in 2025 as well.

Tom Svensson

Join renowned conservation photographer and Canon and Manfrotto ambassador Tom Svensson in Tanzania and one of the most animal-rich places in all of Africa. We visit Ndutu n February when the great migration has reached this place with over a million wildebeest and hundreds of thousands of zebras looking to birth their calves. Every day, it is estimated that approx. 8,000 wildebeest are born in Ndutu. This attracts a lot of lions, leopards and other predators who are in search of easy prey which in turn brings spectacular photo opportunities.

During the trip you will be able to photograph everything from large numbers of zebras and wildebeest to the big cats and elephants, wild dogs, giraffes and many other of Africa’s wild animals. Part of the trip we spend in the southern part of the park at Lake Ndutu, which has attracted both photographers and filmmakers over the years with its sweeping savannas and open landscapes. Here we can go offroad which gives us the opportunity to come close to our subjects and to photograph the area’s rich wildlife with lions, leopards, cheetahs and elephants, among others.

During the daily game drives  in the park, Tom Svensson will alternate between the jeeps in order to give hands-on tips and advice to each one. When we are not out on game drives, we will work with image processing, have image discussions together and look at each other’s images which Tom comments on. During the week, there will also be several talks by Tom Svensson.


    • Central Serengeti with rock formations and lots of big cats.
    • We visit Ndutu during the period when the wildebeest give birth to their calves.
    • Nearly two million wildebeest and about 800,000 zebras live in Ndutu,as well as lions, cheetahs, elephants and giraffes.
    • Great opportunity to photograph the big cats.
    • Possibility of offroad driving in Ndutu which will allow us to come closer to our subjects.
    • Participation from Tom Svensson during the trip.
    • Image editing and constructive image criticism with Tom Svensson.



By entering the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Ngorongoro)  you will notice the landscape changing from hilly forests to plain and green grasslands. Sweeping grasslands cover the region which gradually fade into the Serengeti. Ndutu forms a part of the route for the annual migration of more than 2 million wildebeests and thousands of zebras, antelope and gazelle through the Serengeti eco system. During game drives between December and March, you will be able to see the great migration in this region. Between Mid Jan and Feb, calving happens here, and it attracts hordes of predators prying on vulnerable young wildebeest. Crested with Lake Ndutu and Lake Masek, these waterholes offer plenty of wildlife game during the dry season. The Ndutu is also the home ground for 6 species of big cats – leopard, lion, cheetah, caracal, serval and wildcat. Lake Ndutu is alkaline, like most of the other Rift lakes, however, the water is still drinkable and used by a wide array of local wildlife. The majority of the wildebeest migration can normally be found on the short-grass plains from December to March. The area is usually heavily populated with elephants.




February 8-15, 2025

We meet in the morning at Kilimanjaro International Airport at the foot of Africa’s highest mountain, Kilimanjaro. Here you will be met by Tom Svensson and a host from Zoom Photo Expeditions. From the airport we move towards the Ndutu, once at our lodge, Nutu Pure Migration Camp, we have lunch before we embark on the first safari of the firs game drive in Ndutu’s animal-rich surroundings. The motifs are everywhere and give a foretaste of what we will experience in the coming days.

During the game drives Tom will be there to show you how you can create different compositions from a close-up to a picture where the lion becomes an interesting detail that attracts the viewer’s eye.

Back at the lodge we share a welcome dinner before going to bed, surrounded by all the sounds of the African wilderness. (L, D)


Each day we will get up early to go on safari while the sun rises over the African landscape. It’s always an equally expectant feeling when we head out on the day’s first safari. with a little luck can find a group of lions feeding on a prey from the night’s hunt. If we manage to find the right subject, Tom will also show how we can create effective silhouette images with the animals against the sun.

During our days around Lake Ndutu, we encounter an almost indescribable number of animals there for the great migration and the motifs can be found everywhere, which allows us to photograph everything from close-ups to pictures of the animal-rich and verdant landscape.

When we have off-road permission, we can position our jeeps so that we get the best photo opportunities. On the open savannah something is always going on, not the least when we are here during the migration period and the estimation is that approx. 8,000 wildebeest are born in the area every day. The large amount of calves attract predators who are in search of easy prey and during last year’s trip we had the opportunity to photograph a cheetah in the middle of the hunt. In addition to the lion, leopard and cheetah, there are also elephants, giraffes, buffalos and many other animals.

Tom is always on hand during safaris in order to give you tips and advice hot to develop your photography skills in the best possible way.

Halfways into the trip we will change lodge to Ndutu Kati Kati Tented Camp in order to maximize the chances of good photo opportunities and to be able to spend as much time as possible out in the field. At both lodges we will stay right in the midst of the animals and every night we fall asleep surrounded by the sounds of the African wilderness. (B, L, D)

Halfways into the trip we will change lodge to Ndutu Kati Kati Tented Camp in order to maximize the chances of good photo opportunities and to be able to spend as much time as possible out in the field. At both lodges we will stay right in the midst of the animals and every night we fall asleep surrounded by the sounds of the African wilderness. (B, L, D)

After the last safari we check out for our trip to Kilimanjaro Airport and further transport to Sweden by your own devices during the evening. (B, L)

A few weeks after returning home, when you’ve had time to go through your pictures from the trip, you will have the opportunity to send in your best pictures from the trip to Tom, who will select the “Image of the trip”. and compete for great prizes.

FEBRUARY 8-15, 2025

We meet in the morning at Kilimanjaro International Airport at the foot of Africa’s highest mountain, Kilimanjaro. Here you will be met by Tom Svensson and a host from Zoom Photo Expeditions. From the airport we move towards the Ndutu, once at our lodge, Nutu Pure Migration Camp, we have lunch before we embark on the first safari of the firs game drive in Ndutu’s animal-rich surroundings. The motifs are everywhere and give a foretaste of what we will experience in the coming days.

During the game drives Tom will be there to show you how you can create different compositions from a close-up to a picture where the lion becomes an interesting detail that attracts the viewer’s eye.

Back at the lodge we share a welcome dinner before going to bed, surrounded by all the sounds of the African wilderness. (L, D)


Each day we will get up early to go on safari while the sun rises over the African landscape. It’s always an equally expectant feeling when we head out on the day’s first safari. with a little luck can find a group of lions feeding on a prey from the night’s hunt. If we manage to find the right subject, Tom will also show how we can create effective silhouette images with the animals against the sun.

During our days around Lake Ndutu, we encounter an almost indescribable number of animals there for the great migration and the motifs can be found everywhere, which allows us to photograph everything from close-ups to pictures of the animal-rich and verdant landscape.

When we have off-road permission, we can position our jeeps so that we get the best photo opportunities. On the open savannah something is always going on, not the least when we are here during the migration period and the estimation is that approx. 8,000 wildebeest are born in the area every day. The large amount of calves attract predators who are in search of easy prey and during last year’s trip we had the opportunity to photograph a cheetah in the middle of the hunt. In addition to the lion, leopard and cheetah, there are also elephants, giraffes, buffalos and many other animals.

Tom is always on hand during safaris in order to give you tips and advice hot to develop your photography skills in the best possible way.

Halfways into the trip we will change lodge to Ndutu Kati Kati Tented Camp in order to maximize the chances of good photo opportunities and to be able to spend as much time as possible out in the field. At both lodges we will stay right in the midst of the animals and every night we fall asleep surrounded by the sounds of the African wilderness. (B, L, D)

After the last safari we check out for our trip to Kilimanjaro Airport and further transport to Sweden by your own devices during the evening. (B, L)

A few weeks after returning home, when you’ve had time to go through your pictures from the trip, you will have the opportunity to send in your best pictures from the trip to Tom, who will select the “Image of the trip”. and compete for great prizes.



Tom Svennson – Wildlife photographer

Tom Svensson is a world known conservation photographer. Toms major driving force in life is conservation, and he travels regularly around the world to document endangered species, anti-poaching and illegal trading of animals. His skill as a photographer is to take pictures that touch people and makes a difference, here is seen as one of the best in the world. Tom is the only Swede elected into the IEPA, the International Environment Photographers Association. He is also a global Manfrotto ambassador and he is also in the Canon Nordic photographers program. Read more about Tom here




Price per person: £ 4 500 or USD 5 600


  • Transportation according to the programme.
  • Accommodation in part of double rooms at the listed lodges.
  • Meals according to programme (indicated by B= breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner).
  • Safaris according to the programme.
  • Park fees.
  • Participation of Tom Svensson during the trip.
  • Workshops by Tom Svensson during the trip.
  • Involvement of local rangers in connection with all safaris.
  • Participation of a host from Zoom Photo Tours.
  • Various conservation activities and lectures during the trip.
  • Hotel and other local taxes and fees.
  • Travel documents and practical travel information.
  • Hotels and other local taxes.


  • Single room supplement, £ 650 or USD 800
  • Flights  to Tanzania.
  • Visa to Tanzania.
  • All costs of a personal nature, such as drink with your meal, etc.
  • Tips for the rangers. About 10 dollars/day.
  • Cancellation protection and travel insurance. For more information, see “other” on our website.


You should not arrive later than 05.00 on FEB 8 and not book your return journey earlier than 19.00 on FEB 15.

In view of the long flight and flight delays, we recommend that you arrive the night before and stay at the airport hotel to be rested and ready for the pending adventure.

If you wish to book an international flight, we are happy to help you with this. Contact us by phone +46-470-466 40 or by e-mail info@zoomfotoresor.se


In order to for you to get personal photo guidance and the best experience with our photographer our groups are always small. On this tour the minimum and maximum number of guests are 8/12.


  • A DSLR Camera
  • Telephoto lenses up to a 500mm or more
  • Wide-angle lens, like a 24-70mm
  • A Laptop computer with Photoshop or Lightroom software.
  • Extra batteries, chargers etc.


Languages: English and Swedish


For more information about Terms & Conditions click here.


Use the online booking form below and you will receive a booking confirmation right away or you can give us a call on +46 70 180 90 99 or send an email to info@zoomphototours.com

Photo: Tom Svensson


Price per person: £ 4 900 or USD 5 980


  • Transportation according to the programme.
  • Accommodation in part of double rooms at the listed lodges.
  • Meals according to programme (indicated by B= breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner).
  • Safaris according to the programme.
  • Park fees.
  • Participation of Tom Svensson during the trip.
  • Workshops by Tom Svensson during the trip.
  • Involvement of local rangers in connection with all safaris.
  • Participation of a host from Zoom Photo Tours.
  • Various conservation activities and lectures during the trip.
  • Hotel and other local taxes and fees.
  • Travel documents and practical travel information.
  • Hotels and other local taxes.


  • Single room supplement, £ 495 or USD 600
  • Flights  to Tanzania.
  • Visa to Tanzania.
  • All costs of a personal nature, such as drink with your meal, etc.
  • Tips for the rangers. About 10 dollars/day.
  • Cancellation protection and travel insurance. For more information, see “other” on our website.


You should not arrive later than 05.00 on FEB 8 and not book your return journey earlier than 19.00 on FEB 15.

In view of the long flight and flight delays, we recommend that you arrive the night before and stay at the airport hotel to be rested and ready for the pending adventure.

If you wish to book an international flight, we are happy to help you with this. Contact us by phone +46-470-466 40 or by e-mail info@zoomfotoresor.se


In order to for you to get personal photo guidance and the best experience with our photographer our groups are always small. On this tour the minimum and maximum number of guests are 8/12.


  • A DSLR Camera
  • Telephoto lenses up to a 500mm or more
  • Wide-angle lens, like a 24-70mm
  • A Laptop computer with Photoshop or Lightroom software.
  • Extra batteries, chargers etc.


Languages: English and Swedish


For more information about Terms & Conditions click here.


Use the online booking form below and you will receive a booking confirmation right away or you can give us a call on +46 70 180 90 99 or send an email to info@zoomphototours.com

Photo: Tom Svensson


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Foto: Hans Strand


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Photo: Serkan Gunes