COUNTRY: Costa Rica   PHOTO TYPE: Wildlife  TRIP LENHTS: 10 days   DATES: April 23 – May 2, 2025   GROUP SIZE: 8-12



Costa Rica is a nature photographer’s paradise with beautiful national parks, an abundance of birds and animals, rainforests, volcanoes, and a biodiversity that surpasses most places. I have been there several times on various assignments and always returned home with fantastic experiences and loads of photos.

Mattias Klum

Join us in Costa Rica, a tropical paradise for photographers, under the guidance of Mattias Klum, a National Geographic photographer and one of the world’s most respected photographers specializing in nature, environment, and endangered species. Mattias has extensive knowledge of Costa Rica’s rainforests and its wildlife, which includes a vast array of flora and fauna, from insects, spiders, frogs, and snakes to larger animals like coatis, deer, and tapirs.

During the trip, we will visit several of Costa Rica’s national parks, such as Piedras Blancas National Park and Tortuguero National Park. We will also attempt to capture one of Costa Rica’s most beautiful birds on camera, the stunning quetzal, with its green head, red chest, and long, shimmering turquoise tail feathers. Additionally, we will seek opportunities to photograph Costa Rica’s flying jewels: hummingbirds.

Throughout the journey, Mattias will be available to help you develop as a photographer. There will be opportunities for personal one-on-one sessions where you and Mattias can review and discuss your photos and photography techniques. This personalized attention is designed to help you best develop your interest and skills in photography.


  •  Visiting the national parks Tortuguero National Park, Piedras
  • Blancas National Park, and San Gerardo Forest Reserve.
  • Photo hikes both during the day and at night in the rainforest with its fantastic bird and wildlife.
  • If we are lucky, close encounters with some of Costa Rica’s beautiful snake species.
  • Several boat tours on Tortuguero’s canals.
  • Hummingbird photography in Batsu Gardens.
  • The beautiful quetzal in San Gerardo Forest Reserve.
  • Good accommodations directly adjacent to the national parks.
  • Participation, workshops, and lectures by Mattias Klum.
  • Image critique and personal portfolio review with Mattias Klum.
  • Participation of Daniel Iglesias, Zoom Photoresor’s host, with extensive knowledge of snakes and other reptiles.

COUNTRY: Costa Rica   PHOTO TYPE: Wildlife  TRIP LENHTS: 10 days   DATES: April 23 – May 2, 2025   GROUP SIZE: 8-12

Costa Rica is a nature photographer’s paradise with beautiful national parks, an abundance of birds and animals, rainforests, volcanoes, and a biodiversity that surpasses most places. I have been there several times on various assignments and always returned home with fantastic experiences and loads of photos.

Mattias Klum

Join us in Costa Rica, a tropical paradise for photographers, under the guidance of Mattias Klum, a National Geographic photographer and one of the world’s most respected photographers specializing in nature, environment, and endangered species. Mattias has extensive knowledge of Costa Rica’s rainforests and its wildlife, which includes a vast array of flora and fauna, from insects, spiders, frogs, and snakes to larger animals like coatis, deer, and tapirs.

During the trip, we will visit several of Costa Rica’s national parks, such as Piedras Blancas National Park and Tortuguero National Park. We will also attempt to capture one of Costa Rica’s most beautiful birds on camera, the stunning quetzal, with its green head, red chest, and long, shimmering turquoise tail feathers. Additionally, we will seek opportunities to photograph Costa Rica’s flying jewels: hummingbirds.

Throughout the journey, Mattias will be available to help you develop as a photographer. There will be opportunities for personal one-on-one sessions where you and Mattias can review and discuss your photos and photography techniques. This personalized attention is designed to help you best develop your interest and skills in photography.


  •  Visiting the national parks Tortuguero National Park, Piedras
  • Blancas National Park, and San Gerardo Forest Reserve.
  • Photo hikes both during the day and at night in the rainforest with its fantastic bird and wildlife.
  • If we are lucky, close encounters with some of Costa Rica’s beautiful snake species.
  • Several boat tours on Tortuguero’s canals.
  • Hummingbird photography in Batsu Gardens.
  • The beautiful quetzal in San Gerardo Forest Reserve.
  • Good accommodations directly adjacent to the national parks.
  • Participation, workshops, and lectures by Mattias Klum.
  • Image critique and personal portfolio review with Mattias Klum.
  • Participation of Daniel Iglesias, Zoom Photoresor’s host, with extensive knowledge of snakes and other reptiles.




Costa Rica ligger i Centralamerika och angränsar till Nicaragua, Panama, Stilla Havet och Karibiska Havet och är till ytan nästan lika stort som Svealand. I huvudstaden San José bor cirka en tredjedel av landets 4,2 miljoner invånare.

Klimatet i Costa Rica är subtropiskt och tropiskt i låglandet men något kallare i de centrala högländerna. Landet har två årstider; regn- och torrperioder. Regnperioden varar från maj till november, något som ofta orsakar översvämningar i låglandet. Torrperioden varar oftast mellan december och april. Temperaturen i Costa Ricas lågland ligger kring 20-30 grader med mindre variationer beroende på årstiden. Costa Rica är hem för en stor mångfald av växter och djur.


Trots att landet endast upptar 0,1 % av världens totala landmassa uppgår den biologiska mångfalden till hela 5 % av världens djur och växter, motsvarande mellan 500 000 och en miljon olika arter. Däribland 50 000 olika arter av insekter, 208 olika djurarter, 850 fågelarter och lite drygt 200 reptilarter, varav ungefär hälften är ormar. Hela 27 % av Costa Ricas yta är avsatt för nationalparker, naturreservat och naturskyddsområden.




The name Tortuguero, which can be translated to “full of turtles,” is home to spider, howler, and capuchin monkeys, the three-toed sloth, 320 bird species, and a variety of reptiles. Tortuguero offers an incredible diversity, including rainforests, swamps, lagoons, beaches, and rivers, all in a delightful tropical climate. The deep jungle extends into a vast canal landscape that empties into the Caribbean Sea. However, the giant turtles are the park’s main attraction. On the beaches around Tortuguero, four different species of turtles lay their eggs each year between July and September, among them the green sea turtle, the critically endangered hawksbill turtle, and the world’s largest turtle—the leatherback sea turtle.



Piedras Blancas, with a land area of 15,147 hectares and 1,200 hectares of marine area, protects part of the lowland tropical rainforest. Although all five of Costa Rica’s cat species—ocelot, margay, jaguarundi, puma, and jaguar—live here, they are very difficult to spot. The park offers much more, such as kinkajous, two-toed sloths, coatis, anteaters, as well as capuchin and spider monkeys with their white faces, and many different bats. The park also attracts a lot of birdlife and is considered one of the country’s best bird-watching spots, with toucans, scarlet macaws, crested caracaras, kingfishers, boat-billed herons, flycatchers, and yellow-cheeked Amazons. Snakes are abundant, from the deadly fer-de-lance to coral snakes and large boas. There are also numerous types of frogs, such as tree frogs, poison dart frogs, rain frogs, glass frogs, and many others. The waterways are also rich with caimans.



San Gerardo Forest Reserve is located in the Talamanca mountain range. At an elevation of 2,200 meters, San Gerardo offers fresh and clean air, lush green rainforest, and incredible biodiversity. Nestled in the Savegre River valley, San Gerardo has managed to remain relatively secret. San Gerardo is renowned for its birds, with the highest likelihood of spotting the beautiful quetzal in all of Costa Rica. However, the park also hosts many other species, such as emerald toucanets, golden-browed chlorophonias, and tanagers. The area, with its great biodiversity, is also home to sloths and monkeys.

Destinations we visit 

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Costa Rica ligger i Centralamerika och angränsar till Nicaragua, Panama, Stilla Havet och Karibiska Havet och är till ytan nästan lika stort som Svealand. I huvudstaden San José bor cirka en tredjedel av landets 4,2 miljoner invånare.

Klimatet i Costa Rica är subtropiskt och tropiskt i låglandet men något kallare i de centrala högländerna. Landet har två årstider; regn- och torrperioder. Regnperioden varar från maj till november, något som ofta orsakar översvämningar i låglandet. Torrperioden varar oftast mellan december och april. Temperaturen i Costa Ricas lågland ligger kring 20-30 grader med mindre variationer beroende på årstiden. Costa Rica är hem för en stor mångfald av växter och djur.


Trots att landet endast upptar 0,1 % av världens totala landmassa uppgår den biologiska mångfalden till hela 5 % av världens djur och växter, motsvarande mellan 500 000 och en miljon olika arter. Däribland 50 000 olika arter av insekter, 208 olika djurarter, 850 fågelarter och lite drygt 200 reptilarter, varav ungefär hälften är ormar. Hela 27 % av Costa Ricas yta är avsatt för nationalparker, naturreservat och naturskyddsområden.




The name Tortuguero, which can be translated to “full of turtles,” is home to spider, howler, and capuchin monkeys, the three-toed sloth, 320 bird species, and a variety of reptiles. Tortuguero offers an incredible diversity, including rainforests, swamps, lagoons, beaches, and rivers, all in a delightful tropical climate. The deep jungle extends into a vast canal landscape that empties into the Caribbean Sea. However, the giant turtles are the park’s main attraction. On the beaches around Tortuguero, four different species of turtles lay their eggs each year between July and September, among them the green sea turtle, the critically endangered hawksbill turtle, and the world’s largest turtle—the leatherback sea turtle.


Piedras Blancas, with a land area of 15,147 hectares and 1,200 hectares of marine area, protects part of the lowland tropical rainforest. Although all five of Costa Rica’s cat species—ocelot, margay, jaguarundi, puma, and jaguar—live here, they are very difficult to spot. The park offers much more, such as kinkajous, two-toed sloths, coatis, anteaters, as well as capuchin and spider monkeys with their white faces, and many different bats. The park also attracts a lot of birdlife and is considered one of the country’s best bird-watching spots, with toucans, scarlet macaws, crested caracaras, kingfishers, boat-billed herons, flycatchers, and yellow-cheeked Amazons. Snakes are abundant, from the deadly fer-de-lance to coral snakes and large boas. There are also numerous types of frogs, such as tree frogs, poison dart frogs, rain frogs, glass frogs, and many others. The waterways are also rich with caimans.


San Gerardo Forest Reserve is located in the Talamanca mountain range. At an elevation of 2,200 meters, San Gerardo offers fresh and clean air, lush green rainforest, and incredible biodiversity. Nestled in the Savegre River valley, San Gerardo has managed to remain relatively secret. San Gerardo is renowned for its birds, with the highest likelihood of spotting the beautiful quetzal in all of Costa Rica. However, the park also hosts many other species, such as emerald toucanets, golden-browed chlorophonias, and tanagers. The area, with its great biodiversity, is also home to sloths and monkeys



23 APRIL – 2 MAY, 2025

Mattias who has been to Costa Rica many times, will to hold lectures on topics such as species conservation and human impact on nature. On several evenings, we will also review and evaluate each other’s photos. We will also work on photo editing and discuss everything from camera techniques, equipment details, composition, and lighting to timing in photography sessions and how to build a story in both words and images. There will also be time for personal conversations where you and Mattias go through your own photos. The exact days for all these activities will depend on the weather and other local conditions.

Check-in during the afternoon and evening at the first-class Doubletree Cariari Hotel located near the airport. Here, you will be welcomed by Mattias and Zoom Photoresor’s tour guide David Iglesias. Since most flights from Europe arrive late in the afternoon or evening, and considering the time difference, this evening will be a casual gathering in the hotel bar for those who wish to join.

In the morning, after check-out, we will take a bus to Pavona or Caño Blanco where we will board a boat for a 1 ½ hour boat trip along the canals towards Tortuguero National Park. Upon arrival at Aninga Lodge, lunch will be served followed by check-in.

During the afternoon, we will take our first photo walk in the lodge’s surroundings and experience the incredible nature and wildlife around this lodge. During the walk, we will be surrounded by a lush green forest with a variety of plants and animals. This tropical forest has the greatest biological diversity in the country. Here, you can find everything from caimans, wild cats, howler monkeys, spider monkeys, two-toed sloths, three-toed sloths, raccoons, toucans, aracaris, and macaws.

After dinner, we will also take a night walk where nocturnal animals come out to search for food. During the walk, our nature guide will tell us about the animals we may encounter, such as bird-eating spiders, bats, night butterflies, crickets, sloths, hedgehogs, and some nocturnal birds. Therefore, we recommend that you bring a flashlight. (F, L, M)

Early in the morning, we will take a boat ride along the canals in Tortuguero National Park to experience the sunrise and capture the rainforest animals in the soft morning light.

Back at the hotel, a late breakfast will be served followed by time for photo editing or perhaps some relaxation by the hotel’s pool. In the afternoon, we will take another tour along Tortuguero’s canals. The park has a great biodiversity with no less than 11 biological environments including rainforest, mangrove forest, swamp, beaches, and lagoons.

As the park is located in a tropical climate with no less than 6,400 mm of rain per year, the humidity is high. Tortuguero is home to, among others, spider monkeys, howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys, sloths, jaguars, caimans, 320 bird species, and a variety of reptiles. (F, L, M)

After an early tour on the canals, followed by breakfast and check-out, we will begin the journey back to Pavona or Caño where our bus awaits for the trip to San Gerardo. Along the way, we will make a stop to photograph flying hummingbirds. We will do this at a feeding station where you have the opportunity to capture these very fast birds when they are practically “standing still” in the air at the small bird table with food. On a platform, you can set up your tripod and work with different shutter speeds, from short shutter speeds where you freeze the wings to long times where you get motion blur on the wings.

After photographing this for a few hours, we will continue to San Gerardo where we will check in at Savegre Hotel. Dinner in the evening. (F, L, M)

Early in the morning, we go on a hike in San Gerardo Forest Reserve which offers more than 170 different bird species. With the help of skilled nature guides, we walk through the dense vegetation in search of the beautiful quetzal, which with its green head, red breast, and long, shimmering turquoise tail is one of Costa Rica’s most beautiful birds. We listen for their deep, melodic calls as we silently track these elusive birds. But here, there is also a wide range of other bird species, such as emerald toucans, golden-browed chlorophonias, and tanagers among many others. Just like the other photo sessions out in the field, Mattias will be there to provide tips and personal guidance. He will also share his extensive knowledge of the surrounding nature and the rich wildlife.

Our journey then continues to the small town of Golfito. where we stop for lunch. After this, we take a boat to our hotel Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge. This is a luxurious eco-lodge in Piedras Blancas National Park on the southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The lodge is surrounded by tropical rainforest and pristine beaches and is only accessible by boat. In the late afternoon, we check in at the lodge which will be our base for the next few days.

We end the day with a good dinner while enjoying the sounds of the rainforest. (F, L, M)

During these days, we will explore the rainforest in Piedras Blancas National Park and photograph all its animals, birds, insects, and reptiles both during the day and during night walks.

The lodge is located more or less in the dense rainforest and is a paradise for photographers. Here, you have the opportunity to capture everything from colorful parrots such as scarlet macaws and yellow-cheeked Amazons to toucans and blue-naped parrots. But here, there are also reptiles like the highly poisonous snakes, boa constrictors, helmeted basilisk lizards, glass frogs, poison dart frogs, and mammals like howler monkeys, spider monkeys, coatis, sloths, and agoutis. In the park, there are also thousands of beautiful insects and colorful butterflies.

In the evenings, we go on night walks, work on photo editing, and listen to Mattias’ fantastic stories from the many assignments he has done in Costa Rica.

On the last evening, we will have a nice farewell dinner where Mattias summarizes the days together in Costa Rica. (F, L, M)

DAY 10, (May 2) – DEPARTURE
Breakfast followed by check-out. After this, we board the boat for the return trip to Golfito from where we fly to San Jose for onward flights home. (F)

After returning home, Mattias will host a follow-up meeting where we’ll review each other’s photos. Even before that, you’ll submit your best photos from the trip. Mattias will then select the “Travel Photo,” which automatically advances to the final round of the “Picture of the Year 2025” competition, competing for fantastic prizes.

Ten days filled with photography amidst the rich wildlife and birdlife of the rainforest. 

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23 APRIL – 2 MAY, 2025

Mattias who has been to Costa Rica many times, to hold lectures on topics such as species conservation and human impact on nature. On several evenings, we will also review and evaluate each other’s photos. We will also work on photo editing and discuss everything from camera techniques, equipment details, composition, and lighting to timing in photography sessions and how to build a story in both words and images. There will also be time for personal conversations where you and Mattias go through your own photos. The exact days for all these activities will depend on the weather and other local conditions.

Check-in during the afternoon and evening at the first-class Doubletree Cariari Hotel located near the airport. Here, you will be welcomed by Mattias and Zoom Photoresor’s tour guide David Iglesias. Since most flights from Europe arrive late in the afternoon or evening, and considering the time difference, this evening will be a casual gathering in the hotel bar for those who wish to join.

In the morning, after check-out, we will take a bus to Pavona or Caño Blanco where we will board a boat for a 1 ½ hour boat trip along the canals towards Tortuguero National Park. Upon arrival at Aninga Lodge, lunch will be served followed by check-in. During the afternoon, we will take our first photo walk in the lodge’s surroundings and experience the incredible nature and wildlife around this lodge. During the walk, we will be surrounded by a lush green forest with a variety of plants and animals. This tropical forest has the greatest biological diversity in the country. Here, you can find everything from caimans, wild cats, howler monkeys, spider monkeys, two-toed sloths, three-toed sloths, raccoons, toucans, aracaris, and macaws.

After dinner, we will also take a night walk where nocturnal animals come out to search for food. During the walk, our nature guide will tell us about the animals we may encounter, such as bird-eating spiders, bats, night butterflies, crickets, sloths, hedgehogs, and some nocturnal birds. Therefore, we recommend that you bring a flashlight. (F, L, M)

Early in the morning, we will take a boat ride along the canals in Tortuguero National Park to experience the sunrise and capture the rainforest animals in the soft morning light. Back at the hotel, a late breakfast will be served followed by time for photo editing or perhaps some relaxation by the hotel’s pool. In the afternoon, we will take another tour along Tortuguero’s canals. The park has a great biodiversity with no less than 11 biological environments including rainforest, mangrove forest, swamp, beaches, and lagoons. As the park is located in a tropical climate with no less than 6,400 mm of rain per year, the humidity is high. Tortuguero is home to, among others, spider monkeys, howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys, sloths, jaguars, caimans, 320 bird species, and a variety of reptiles. (F, L, M)

After an early tour on the canals, followed by breakfast and check-out, we will begin the journey back to Pavona or Caño where our bus awaits for the trip to San Gerardo.
Along the way, we will make a stop to photograph flying hummingbirds. We will do this at a feeding station where you have the opportunity to capture these very fast birds when they are practically “standing still” in the air at the small bird table with food. On a platform, you can set up your tripod and work with different shutter speeds, from short shutter speeds where you freeze the wings to long times where you get motion blur on the wings. After photographing this for a few hours, we will continue to San Gerardo where we will check in at Savegre Hotel. Dinner in the evening. (F, L, M)

Early in the morning, we go on a hike in San Gerardo Forest Reserve which offers more than 170 different bird species. With the help of skilled nature guides, we walk through the dense vegetation in search of the beautiful quetzal, which with its green head, red breast, and long, shimmering turquoise tail is one of Costa Rica’s most beautiful birds. We listen for their deep, melodic calls as we silently track these elusive birds. But here, there is also a wide range of other bird species, such as emerald toucans, golden-browed chlorophonias, and tanagers among many others.

Just like the other photo sessions out in the field, Mattias will be there to provide tips and personal guidance. He will also share his extensive knowledge of the surrounding nature and the rich wildlife.

Our journey then continues to the small town of Golfito. where we stop for lunch. After this, we take a boat to our hotel Playa Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge. This is a luxurious eco-lodge in Piedras Blancas National Park on the southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The lodge is surrounded by tropical rainforest and pristine beaches and is only accessible by boat. In the late afternoon, we check in at the lodge which will be our base for the next few days.
We end the day with a good dinner while enjoying the sounds of the rainforest. (F, L, M)

During these days, we will explore the rainforest in Piedras Blancas National Park and photograph all its animals, birds, insects, and reptiles both during the day and during night walks.
The lodge is located more or less in the dense rainforest and is a paradise for photographers. Here, you have the opportunity to capture everything from colorful parrots such as scarlet macaws and yellow-cheeked Amazons to toucans and blue-naped parrots. But here, there are also reptiles like the highly poisonous snakes, boa constrictors, helmeted basilisk lizards, glass frogs, poison dart frogs, and mammals like howler monkeys, spider monkeys, coatis, sloths, and agoutis. In the park, there are also thousands of beautiful insects and colorful butterflies.
In the evenings, we go on night walks, work on photo editing, and listen to Mattias’ fantastic stories from the many assignments he has done in Costa Rica.
On the last evening, we will have a nice farewell dinner where Mattias summarizes the days together in Costa Rica. (F, L, M)

DAY 10, (May 2) – DEPARTURE
Breakfast followed by check-out. After this, we board the boat for the return trip to Golfito from where we fly to San Jose for onward flights home. (F)

After returning home, Mattias will host a follow-up meeting where we’ll review each other’s photos. Even before that, you’ll submit your best photos from the trip. Mattias will then select the “Travel Photo,” which automatically advances to the final round of the “Picture of the Year 2025” competition, competing for fantastic prizes.



MATTIAS KLUM – National Geographic photographer


Mattias Klum is a photographer, cinematographer and director. In an artistic way that is entirely his own, he describes and portrays animals, plants and natural and cultural settings in the form of articles, books, films and exhibitions. Since 1997, Mattias has produced multiple articles and thirteen cover stories for National Geographic magazine. He has produced 9 film projects and published 14 books to date.

Klum is also an internationally sought-after lecturer and has given more than 3000 lectures worldwide. His photographs have been shown in one-man exhibitions at renowned museums and art galleries all around the world. He has been named a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, awarded an honorary Doctorate in Natural Sciences by Stockholm University, appointed Fellow at the National Geographic Society, goodwill ambassador for IUCN and WWF and serves as a member of the Board of Trustees at WWF Sweden.

You can read more about Mattias here.

See more photos: @mattiasklumofficial

Read more about Mattias Klum, world renowned National Geographic photographer

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Mattias Klum is a photographer, cinematographer and director. In an artistic way that is entirely his own, he describes and portrays animals, plants and natural and cultural settings in the form of articles, books, films and exhibitions. Since 1997, Mattias has produced multiple articles and thirteen cover stories for National Geographic magazine. He has produced 9 film projects and published 14 books to date.

Klum is also an internationally sought-after lecturer and has given more than 3000 lectures worldwide. His photographs have been shown in one-man exhibitions at renowned museums and art galleries all around the world. He has been named a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, awarded an honorary Doctorate in Natural Sciences by Stockholm University, appointed Fellow at the National Geographic Society, goodwill ambassador for IUCN and WWF and serves as a member of the Board of Trustees at WWF Sweden.

You can read more about Mattias here.

See more photos: @mattiasklumofficial




Price per person: £ 4 920 or USD 5 990 

Price includes:

  • Accommodation as per the itinerary in shared double rooms.
  • Meals as per the itinerary (B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner).
  • Bus transportation as per the itinerary.
  • Boat transportation as per the itinerary.
  • Admissions as per the itinerary.
  • Entry fees for national parks as per the itinerary.
  • Participation of Mattias Klum throughout the trip.
  • Workshop and lectures by Mattias Klum during the trip.
  • Personal portfolio review with Mattias Klum.
  • Daniel Iglesias, Swedish tour host from Zoom Fotoresor.
  • One of Costa Rica’s best nature guides will participate in the trip
  • Participation of local nature guides during tours in the national parks.
  • Hotel and other local taxes and fees.
  • Travel documents and practical travel information.

Price does not include: 

  • Flights to and from Costa Rica.
  • Single room supplement. £ 1 030 or USD 1 250
  • All personal expenses, such as drinks, etc.
  • Tips for the main guide, typically 10 dollars/day.
  • Tips for hotel staff and drivers.
  • Cancellation protection and travel insurance. See our website under “Other”.


Flights to Costa Rica are arranged independently. You can arrive in Costa Rica at any time on April 23. The return flight should not be booked earlier than 6:00 PM on May 2.

If you would like assistance with booking your flight to Costa Rica, we are more than happy to help. You are welcome to call us at +46 470-466 40 or email us at



Target Group: Wildlife and nature photographers of all ages.

Maximum Participants: 12

Languages: Swedish, English

Additional Information: For more information about Zoom Fotoresor, delivery terms, etc., see our website under “Other”.



  • Your camera.
  • A standard zoom lens ranging from 24 to 200 mm for landscape photography.
  • A telephoto lens up to 500 mm for wildlife and nature photography.
  • A monopod or tripod.
  • Memory cards and card reader.
  • Extra batteries and charger.
  • A cleaning kit for the camera/lenses.
  • A laptop with either Photoshop CS or Lightroom software


You can book the trip by clicking on the button below. You are also welcome to call us on the phone +46 470 466 40 or email us at

Foto: Mattias Klum & Daniel Iglesias


Price per person: £ 4 920 or USD 5 990 

Price includes:

  • Accommodation as per the itinerary in shared double rooms.
  • Meals as per the itinerary (B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner).
  • Bus transportation as per the itinerary.
  • Boat transportation as per the itinerary.
  • Admissions as per the itinerary.
  • Entry fees for national parks as per the itinerary.
  • Participation of Mattias Klum throughout the trip.
  • Workshop and lectures by Mattias Klum during the trip.
  • Personal portfolio review with Mattias Klum.
  • Daniel Iglesias, Swedish tour host from Zoom Fotoresor.
  • One of Costa Rica’s best nature guides will participate in the trip
  • Participation of local nature guides during tours in the national parks.
  • Hotel and other local taxes and fees.
  • Travel documents and practical travel information.

Price does not include: 

  • Flights to and from Costa Rica.
  • Single room supplement. £ 1 030 or USD 1 250
  • All personal expenses, such as drinks, etc.
  • Tips for the main guide, typically 10 dollars/day.
  • Tips for hotel staff and drivers.
  • Cancellation protection and travel insurance. See our website under “Other”.


Flights to Costa Rica are arranged independently. You can arrive in Costa Rica at any time on April 23. The return flight should not be booked earlier than 6:00 PM on May 2.

If you would like assistance with booking your flight to Costa Rica, we are more than happy to help. You are welcome to call us at +46 470-466 40 or email us at



Target Group: Wildlife and nature photographers of all ages.

Maximum Participants: 12

Languages: Swedish, English

Additional Information: For more information about Zoom Fotoresor, delivery terms, etc., see our website under “Other”.



  • Your camera.
  • A standard zoom lens ranging from 24 to 200 mm for landscape photography.
  • A telephoto lens up to 500 mm for wildlife and nature photography.
  • A monopod or tripod.
  • Memory cards and card reader.
  • Extra batteries and charger.
  • A cleaning kit for the camera/lenses.
  • A laptop with either Photoshop CS or Lightroom software


You can book the trip by clicking on the button below. You are also welcome to call us on the phone +46 470 466 40 or email us at

Foto: Mattias Klum & Daniel Iglesias


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Foto: Hans Strand