Mats Andersson • Art & Nature Photographer
Mats Andersson is a Swedish photographer who studied photo at the Industrial Art School in Gothenburg during the 1980s. This was followed by a job as Art Director and Photographer in the advertising industry. Since 1989 he has worked as an AD and Photographer at Concret Advertising in Jönköping, Sweden. Connected with photo agency Mascot in Stockholm since 2009 and elected to the prestigious Nature Photographers 2011. Over the years, Mats has managed to publish no less than 10 books, winning numerous awards including Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2016, (Winner Black & White). Nordic Nature Photographer of the Year 2016 and Nature Photographer of the Year 2016.
Latest books:
• När löven faller, 2015
• Nature Diary, 2018
• Essence, 2019
• 2017. Wildlife Photographer of the Year – finalist (top-5)
• 2017. Nordic Nature Photo Contest 2017 – Finalist (top-10)
• 2016. Wildlife Photographer of the Year, winner black & white. (WPY)
• 2016. Wildlife Photographer of the Year in Scandinavia.
• 2016. Wildlife Photographer of the Year in Sweden. Årets naturfotograf.
• 2016. All over winner Nordic Nature Photo Contest 2016
Equipment: Mats mainly works with Nikon and Leica with varying lenses from wide angle up to long telephoto.